

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Would I do it again?

In a heartbeat.  Day 2 post op and despite some swelling I couldn't be happier.  My lower jaw/chin is pretty stiff which makes it a little hard to chew and to smile, but that will normalize soon enough.  I took a couple pictures so I could see that difference.  From the front my face currently appears a little longer and wider, but this is because of the swelling.  From the side, what a difference it has made to my profile.  You actually get to see a picture that I never before would have allowed to be seen by the public - because I disliked it so much.  It was kind of strange to go run a couple errands today, and to find that I did not feel the need to hide my profile.  I didn't try to make faces or to cock my head to one side to change the way my face was viewed.  I actually felt secure enough to allow people to see me from any angle.  It was a wonderful, incredibly confident feeling.  One that I haven't ever had in this regard.

1 comment:

  1. I won't say I never noticed your chin (or lack of) before, of course I did, BUT it never stood out, not like a big wart on your nose or anything like that, you know what I mean? It wasn't unattractive to me - simply a feature of your face, and not a flaw. That said, seeing your old profile next to your new profile - it does stand out to me now - I guess that means you did a good job of hiding it! I'm glad you had it done, for you. I noticed the change in you right away - like you said, you didn't cock your head at all, you held your head proudly, with a huge smile despite the pain - it was plain to see how pleased and satisfied you were with the results. I'm happy that you are happy with yourself from every angle - and you'll probably enjoy holidays and social gatherings more now that you won't feel like you have to be aware of how your head is turned when someone picks up a camera :)
