

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Frustrating Day

Today was a frustrating day.  I had spent the last month preparing for an open house for my business.  I really just wanted to have an occasion for people to come over, eat some food, socialize, and try out the products I've put so much work into creating.  I chose to have the event today because I wanted people to have time to settle down from the back-to-school rush.  I created an event on Facebook, because I felt like it was the easiest way to get the word out to people in this area (social media seems to be a prevalent means of communication here).  I invited the few people I knew, and asked them to pass the invite along to anyone else they thought would be interested.  13 people RSVP'd that they would come, and another 8 listed themselves as "maybe". 

With the date chosen and people indicating an interest, I knew I needed to get things in order.  I worked hard.  I created a catalog from scratch and had it professionally printed.  I meticulously assembled two dozen Pumpkin Creme Brulee pedicure sets.  I wrapped bath towels, and hand towels with raffia and placed them in wash basins so visitors could sit down and enjoy a personal pedicure while they chatted with friends.  I spent hours preparing products to have available for purchase and created a testing area where all the products could be tried out.  I cleaned for two days.  Prepared platters full of snacks.  As I look back on the month, I was busy getting things ready for today during any free moment that I was not taking care of my boys, or trying to complete work for my classes.

As I was putting food out this morning and brewing a pot of coffee, I chatted with a friend on Facebook who wanted to let me know that she wouldn't be able to make it.  Her inability to come was already assumed as she had just been blessed with a new baby boy 2 days ago, but I was grateful for the chance to hear from her and see how she was feeling.  The start of the Open House came.  The first guest to arrive was a close friend, and then another and another.  So was my day wonderful?  Of course, because I got to be surrounded by the company of three good friends whose love and support is unconditional.  We laughed and talked for hours.  But where was everyone else?  Where were all these other people who said they were coming, that I had prepared special items for?  Was this personal?  Why did my inner-self not allow me to do this to others when clearly they had no problem doing it to me?  Even though it may not have been done intentionally to hurt me, it certainly did hurt me.  Wasn't I worthy of a message to let me know that something had come up? 

Today made me wish for my friends from Maine.  I absolutely love the few close friends that I have made here in Washington, but why has it been such a struggle to find these loving and genuine people?  The kind that would drop anything to be somewhere for you.  Why does there seem to be such a large population of people that do not consider trustworthiness and dependability to be precious character traits?  Is it something that comes with age?  No, I can't believe that because a close friend who moved away months ago had a truckload of character and she was only 25.  Tomorrow I will feel better and I will start developing my next business plan (since clearly an Open House won't work), but tonight... after all the work that I put into today's flop... I think I've earned the right to curl up in a ball and be sad for a while.


  1. People are idiots. Sometimes, it's just the cosmos working against you. I've had that happen a few times. Remember the anniversary party we threw for Mom & Dad where all their friends came but they were no shows? And last year I tried to have a dual surprise birthday party. A handful of Karrie's college friends came, and ONE adult who is a friend of Gary's & mine, but also of Karrie, so he didn't even know I had tried to make it a party for him. My advice? If you've had your sad, curl-up-in-a-ball time, and them chucked a few unnecessary items at the wall, move on and be glad for those few precious friends. We don't need all those others anyway. And I'm working on some other outlets for your awesome pedicure stuff. That will NOT require you to open up your home to people who don't give a shit.

  2. :) Thanks Jean!! I'm feeling better. I gave myself a little Holy Guacamole facial and then took a long hot shower. Now I'm ready to attack the rest of the day. I think I was just disappointed because in this age of technology there were a lot of ways to let me know that people weren't going to be able to make it. And if they had let me know, then I could have invited more people... but I didn't extend more invites because I thought that a group of 20 would be a good size. I just feel like I put so much thought into making sure I'm there for people and for their events, and it was hard to not take it personally when they didn't want to be there for mine. I'm excited to hear about your other ideas for the pedicure items because I really do love making this items, and I just want share that excitement with other people. :D
