

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Today's weather report brought to you by. . .

Forrest Gump.  Yesterday we were greeted with "little bitty stingin' rain", but today it's "big ol' fat rain".  Okay, so maybe we don't look as bad as Gump did in that puddle up to his chest, but certainly feels that way when it just rains, or drizzles for days and days in a row.  Now if tomorrow calls for the rain that comes straight up from underneath...

I love fall, but this isn't fall.  This some sort of sick step backwards to spring.  Everyone asks me if it rains here as much as "they" say.  And I always say it's more gray and just a little drizzle during certain parts of the year.  If this keeps up, though, I'm going to have to change my answer.

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