

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

No that man isn't pregnant

Ah, the 5 year old conversations continue.  Today on the ride home from a friends house, with the windows wide open in the car, we passed a man who was out getting some exercise.  My guess would be that he wasn't walking fast to maintain his physique, but instead was maybe trying to slim down the waist-line.  Without missing a moment, from the backseat my soon-to-be-kindergartener shouted, "Mom, that man's going to have a baby!!"  When I questioned why he thought that, knowing full well it was because Mr. Sweatbands had a dicky-do belly, he confirmed that it was the tummy.  I tried to tell him that men can't grow babies in their tummies the way that mommies can.  "But that man was married!!"  Really??  How could he tell?  Well, he informed me that he must be married if he was going to have a baby (I wasn't ready to have that long conversation just yet), and that he had used his imagination to determine that the man was married.  The conversation became dull after that point, because he moved on to discussing other ways he had used his imagination in the past when creating things with his Lego's. 

Right at this moment I'm crossing my fingers that his kindergarten teacher is in good shape and doesn't have any dinstinct/unique features, because otherwise it's going to be a long year with a lot of uncomfortable conversations at the parent-teacher conferences.

1 comment:

  1. LOL He's such a hoot! They are posting the teachers on Saturday! Let me know who he gets, I'll give you a description so you can warn him what NOT to say :)
