

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Life is too Mundane to Blog About.

Are you curious why I started a blog?  Well, while I felt like I might be able to offer words of wisdom from the different things I had experience frequently, I never thought it was worthy of writing about.  And certainly not something anyone would ever want to read.  So I started the blog for myself.  My husband has left, yet again, for a few months abroad and my nights are pretty quiet.  I wouldn't go so far as to say that we have incredibly stimulating conversations every night, but at least having someone else there at the end of the day to share your moments with so nice and surely missed.  So that was the reason for the blog.  Since I can't be sure when he might call or send an email, this was my way of sharing those ridiculous thoughts that stream through my mind.  My hope is that if I'm able to get it out of my system in some format, then maybe I can sleep better at night, and I won't incur extra dental bills from grinding my teeth off.

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