

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Proud of Daddy

Today has definitely been a day of remembrance for me.  I did not know anyone who was killed on 9/11/01 but my heart hurt for all those families who lost loved ones.  I think as each year passes it affects me even more as I think about what it would have felt like to know their children were trapped in the tower, or to know that mothers and fathers perished.  Today certainly reminds me how lucky I am and makes me want to hug and kiss my boys all day.  We skyped with Daddy this morning who has been gone overseas continuing to fight to keep us safe.  We are so proud of him and the work he is doing, and so proud to have him in our family when days like this come around and others are reminded of the sacrifices still being made to keep horrific events from happening on our soil.

Ten years ago I was wrapping up my clinical rotation for my dietetic internship.  I was in my car headed to Southern Maine Medical Center when the news came across the radio.  A plane had hit one of the towers.  I remembering picturing a little cessna.  Something with a few seats that maybe got out of control and nicked the skyscraper.  But then another announcement came on that the second tower had been hit by another plane.  I thought it was a joke.  It wasn't April fool's day, but you never know about the sick humor of some morning radio show hosts.  I got to the hospital and it was on tv's everywhere.  It was like a nightmare.  They kept showing it over and over again, but I couldn't believe it was happening and not just a preview for another end of the world movie.  After leaving the hospital I started calling my parents, but couldn't get ahold of them.  They were nowhere near New York City, but I just wanted to hear their voices.  I wanted to tell them what had happened since I was sure that they had been cut off from the news in their remote location in the eastern Maine woods.  I didn't want to be alone, so I went to the tavern I had been working at and just sat there rolling silverware in napkins with the other employees while we continued to watch the news.  It was scary.  Scary to think that these terrorists could so easily get on board a plane and take it over.  Scary that we had become so complacent with our security measures that something like this could happen.

I remember that day like it was yesterday.  An incredibly sad occasion that still brings tears to my eyes.  I shared minimal footage with my 5-year-old so that he could understand which "bad guys" it was that Daddy leaves us to fight.  He thought it was a movie.  Kept asking if Batman or Spiderman lived in New York City and were going to fight the bad guys.  Sorry, little man, those people had superheroes like the Firefighters to help them out.  And now we have superheroes like Daddy to make sure we stay safe.   

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