

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day Dreams

I'm a big fan of sleep.  I don't stay up late, because I know my days start early.  So why then don't my boys share this appreciation for rest?  My 3-year-old starts waking up anywhere between 2 and 4, coming in to make sure I'm aware that he's up.  If I try to settle him back down into his bed I risk waking my 5-year-old and if I let him lay down in my bed then somehow I end up with approximately 3 inches of my king-sized bed... there's just no good option.  My 5-year-old then decides to start his day around 5 or 6.  If he was a high school student, this would be great, but I'm sure his desire to do this will have stopped by then. 

So what is it then?  What makes them wake up, when it's still dark out, and decide that it's time to get up?  They must not realize what this is doing to mommy.  Not only does it make it impossible for me to re-establish my patience reservoir but it also makes them into moody little monsters that put an even bigger strain on my nerves.  How am I supposed to cut down on my coffee consumption when clearly the reason I need so much of it isn't changing?  I just keep telling myself that tonight they will drift off to sleep early and easily, and there will be nothing that encourages them out of bed before 7... ah silly day dreams.


  1. It's true, they do start sleeping in right around the time you ought to be able to expect them to get up on their own for school! It's cruel.

  2. I've decided to take the power back. I've started using this new sleep app that is supposed to sense what level of sleep I'm in to gently wake me up out of light sleep instead of jarring me awake out of deep sleep (the way the boys do). So I'm going to set the alarm so that I again decide when I get up in the morning... not my little bosses.
