

Monday, September 5, 2011

Nutrition Master

I am amazed by what is happening as I read through my first chapter for my Medical Nutrition Therapy class.  During my undergraduate program, classes were about learning the material, but it was so I could pass an exam or write a paper and then move onto the next topic.  I had no real world experience to relate it to, so my only hope was that I retained a little of it when I landed my first job.  Now, as I read through the literature describing nutrition assessment and evaluation, my brain is waking back up.  Little bits of information that I had stored away as memories from my 7 years of hospital experience are suddenly flooding back into my short-term memory.  A simple paragraph about nutrition care plans bring back memories of writing hundreds of these.  It's an amazing feeling to be able to relate every single word of the text to my days on the job.  So excited to continue reading and digging deeper to see what else I tucked away in my brain for later use.  No more feelings of "what did I get myself into".  Instead just a confident sense of perfect timing for this step in my education.

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