

Friday, January 6, 2012

Homeownership here we come

...again!!  We submitted our offer, they countered, we countered, they countered again, we re-countered with our final offer, they countered again with another offer... and... we... accepted!  Are we nuts?  Maybe.  Are we excited?  Yes!  Was I about to pull my hair out, grind my teeth off, and puking in my mouth (just a little)??  YES!!  I thought I was going to go nuts if we didn't get some closure on the haggling soon.  So what was our next step?  Well, we want to get the house we are currently renting ready for pictures so our the family the owns it isn't left with an open home.  They've been very good to us and we want to be sure they are taken care of too.  That meant a quick run to the dump, or so we thought.

We have a king-size mattress that we have owned for 7 years.  My husband picked this treasure up off of Uncle Henry's.  For those who aren't from New England, and thus don't know about the wonders of Uncle Henry's, it's kind of like the original Craigslist, but in print form - and it's awesome for finding great deals on the most random things.  Anywhoo.  So my husband bought this thing and thought he got this great deal when he came home with a $300 brand new king-size mattress and box springs.  It has been a piece of crap since day one, but better than sleeping on the floor (maybe).  We should have known that it would be hard to get rid of since it was so hard on our bodies all these years.  So we strapped it to the top of the Trailblazer and headed towards the nearest dump.  Not the best planning on our part, since we had approximately 35 minutes to make it to the dump before closing, and the dump is a solid 20-25 minutes away.  So we headed out with the sun heading down below the horizon.  On went the headlights... or should I say headlight (singular).  We are waiting on a new part for our headlights, which means that they will randomly decide if they want to turn on without coaxing.  We began the drive, in mild wind which doesn't cooperate well with a mattress that is about 12 inches wider than our car.  So each time a little gust would catch the corner, the mattress would shift slightly.  My husband was holding onto it with his hand out his window, but kept complaining about how cold his hands were.  And we couldn't go any faster than 35 because we feared the mattress would not make it.  Mind you the speed limit between our house and the dump jumps up to about 55, so we kept having to pull over to let traffic go by us or to readjust the mattress.  At one point we pulled over to let cars go by, and the cop car on the other side of the road whipped around to pull up behind us.  "I pulled you over because you have a headlight out."  Really?  I'm pretty sure we were parked on the side of the road when you "pulled us over", but thanks for the news flash on the headlight.  Oh, and really appreciated being informed that I could be charged with a felony if the mattress fell off.  Ugh!  He let us continue on our way.  I stopped a bit later to readjust the mattress, and my husband decided to put his window up since he was freezing.  Only too bad the electrical Gods in our car decided that his window wasn't going to work at that moment.  We found the dump.  Pulled up 2 minutes after the gate closed.  Beyond frustrated.  If only that cop hadn't been there, we would have made it in time.  Instead we got to drive all the way home, still with the mattress, on all back roads.  Our headlight decided to go out, which left us driving home with the high-beams on.  And here we sit at home, exhausted and ready for bed at 8 p.m., with a mattress strapped to our car in the driveway.

So glad that the house deal haggling was finalized today, since everything else apparently wasn't going to go our way.  :)

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