

Monday, February 27, 2012

My Mount St. Helens of Laundry

Of all the menial tasks I complete on a routine basis, laundry has got to be my most dreaded one.  I still cannot figure out how a family of four, including two small boys (which wear small clothes) can generate such a big pile.  Even in the summer when we are all wearing shorts instead of bulky sweat pants, or running around naked (the boys, not me) it still seems to sneak up on me.  And suddenly I find myself with three hampers overflowing in addition to a load in the washer, one in the dryer and one clean batch chillin' in the basket.

So the other night I suddenly realized something, and now I find myself much more at peace with the laundry demon.  Laundry will never be done.  Ahhhhhhh.  I can finally relax a little.  Yes, that's right.  You can never be completely done with laundry unless everything has been washed & dried and you are walking around naked (thus not generating more laundry).  I don't know why this didn't occur to me before.  All this time laundry had been a huge frustration because no matter how hard I tried to "finish" it, there wasn't enough time in the day to get all the clothes washed and dried and put away, thus it was still there staring at me the next morning.  But now, since I have become aware that laundry is not a project I can ever finish, I'm no longer trying to do so.  I wash a few loads, fold them up and put them away and maybe a day or two later I do some more.  Everybody has clean clothes, and the hampers aren't puking dirty clothes because they've passed max capacity - because I'm just attacking it like the daily task of washing dishes.

Is this a pretty boring post?  Yup.  But I was so happy when I came to terms with this chore that I just had to share for all of you out there that are trying to possess a home without a single dirty sock in it...  It just won't happen unless you live in a nudist community.  And even if that were the case, you still might have a washcloth or shamwow to take care of from time to time.

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