

Thursday, December 15, 2011

A day in the life of super mom

Yesterday was a busy busy day.  I spent the morning watching a friend's daughters.  Now typically when the kids play together there is a nice "honeymoon" period where they get along famously, and then after about 90 minutes they start acting like brothers and sisters - trying to kill each other (or at least seriously wound each other).  This was not the case yesterday.  My 5-year-old was off at school, and my 3-year-old and the two little ladies got along great, for a few hours!  I was able to finish my reading of research proposals so I could submit my final assignment for one of my grad classes.  The day was off to a great start.  We ate lunch, had a little down time, and ventured off to collect my oldest from school.  The youngest (who I will refer to as "G" from here on out) had a melt down in the school yard when we told him that it was too cold to stay and play on the playground - threw himself on the ground and had a fit.  We got in the car, and drove home so Daddy could get changed for a trip to the store for dress pants. 

It gets dark here pretty early, but the sky still had a little light to it.  We crossed the bridge, and I suddenly realized that I didn't see my headlights reflecting off the back of the car in front of us.  Now anyone who knows the trials and tribulations of our Chevy Trailblazer is aware that we have some electrical idiosyncracies.  It likes to lock itself with the keys and children inside.  It likes to turn off random lights, like the driver's side headlight or a brake-light.  Sometimes the passenger door loses electrical power so you can't roll the window down (or back up) and it won't unlock.  Anywhoo, so we pull over and realize that I can't see my headlights because they are both out!!  AHHH!  We opened the hood and I fiddled with the driver's side wires and the headlight came back on.  The passenger side light is blocked on the back by the air filter cover, and I had no screwdriver with me to move this.  Out of frustration I hit the headlight with my fist, and it came back on - seriously when does that ever work???  And we were off again, with headlights operational.

We got into Burlington, found some pants and shoes for Daddy at Ross - which I've never been in before, but happily discovered is sort of like TJ Maxx.  Found a dress for me to wear as well, which was hard since my "helpful" husband kept pulling out the most hideous options and suggesting I would look good in them.  Tried to find some shoes, but I have an issue with heals as I have a tendency to walk like a drag queen, and the higher the heel, the worse the strut becomes.  Left the store with clothes for the holiday party tonight.  On to the mall so the boys could deliver their wish lists to Santa.  My 5-year-old (who I will refer to as "P" from here on out) took just a moment to warm up to Santa and then was happy to let him know what he desired.  G just looked shell-shocked.  His eyes were huge and he kept looking at P and then nodding, but wouldn't say anything.  Picture time, and P was happy to smile because he was feeling good that Santa was going to deliver what he wanted.  But G looked like a zombie.  He just stared off into outer space.  I don't think he was even blinking!  He wasn't upset and crying, he really just looked a little creepy.  Santa pulled out a candy cane to entice him to smile, even unwrapped it and put it in G's mouth, but still no smile (or blinking).  Sweet pictures.  I was dying I was laughing so hard.

Headed home.  I changed into my new dress while Daddy tried on his dress clothes - because you know they always look horrible in the store dressing room as compared to your own bedroom.  P remarked that I looked beautiful - he's always good for an ego boost.  He then went on to let me know that at school that day two girls were kissing him!  They weren't even sneaky about it, like waiting until recess.  Nope, they were kissing on his face right in the classroom!  And so it begins.  I told him it's because he's so sweet and has those nice puffy kissers.  I'm just hoping he stays sweet and doesn't try to fashion himself as a little ladies man like his Daddy was.  :)

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