

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Fruit Fly Trap

It has become that time of the year, at least at our house, when some lucky little fruit fly larvae makes its way into the house.  It probably hitches a ride in on some bananas, but to be honest I haven't yet figured out how they get in but they sure do set up shop once they get here.

I came across this really simple "shot glass of death" 5+ years ago and once a year it seems that I have to pull it back out of my memory to deal with these little suckers.  Look how smug they are in my picture... just sitting on the rim of the glass like they own the joint.  It occurred to me the other day that others aren't aware of this secret recipe and are fruitlessly (pun intended) trying to get rid of their own infestations.

Here's what you'll need...

  1.  Apple Cider Vinegar - I believe the original recipe I saw for this just called for vinegar, but I use the apple cider one because I swear it makes those fruit flies goes NUTS!  It's like fruit fly pheromones.  It doesn't have to be anything special (like this organic one pictured).  Just get the cheapest kind you can find.  You will fill up your glass container about 2/3 full with the vinegar.
  2. Dish Soap - I have this orange-ish/citrus-y dawn at my house right now, so that's what I used.  But you can use any liquid dish soap you have.  The dish soap will have to coat the wings of the fruit flies making it impossible for them to land in the concoction and fly away.  You will add about 2 squirts of this to a shot glass.  More of it if you choose a larger glass.
  3. Shot Glass - The original recipe I saw suggested the use of a glass that was tapered in at the top so the flies had a hard time leaving.  I haven't seen any of them manage to get back out of the liquid, so I just opt for any glass that is handy.  I like the shot glass because it's discreet and I don't have to use tons of my ingredients to renew the trap every other day.  Plus, they are narrow enough that I can watch the carcasses build up in that cloudy liquid... because I'm sick like that.  My shot glass of choice has a green tint to it, so if your glass is clear it will appear to be more orange/brown in color.
Then set your trap next to your fruit bowl, or wherever the flies are abundant.  You'll find they don't come out to explore much when you're making a lot of commotion, but if you stir them up and then sit and wait patiently you'll find they start trekking towards your trap.  The 2 in my picture that are sitting on the rim of my trap arrived less than a minute after I refreshed it for the picture, and are contemplating checking out that yummy smell.

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