

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Money Boot

Money is officially the dirtiest, nastiest stuff around.  And now I have just one more reason to think this.  I thought these were just a pair of rubber boots.  Perfect for splashing in puddles (not that we've had any of those in months).  But apparently I'm dead wrong.  What you see before you is what my (now 6 year old) calls his "money boot".

Some people put money in their wallet, some in their purse, some in a piggie bank.  He puts his money in his boot.  I wasn't sure what he meant until I heard him walking around in them yesterday and you could her what sounded like the jingling of a little change purse.

Me - "Hey buddy, why don't you put your money in your bank?"
Him - "Nope, I put it in my money boot!"

And he removed his boot (like I couldn't hear it) to show me that not only was he not wearing any socks - so gross in unbreathing, black rubber boots - but also was carrying around the sweatiest looking dollar bill I've ever seen; and that's saying a lot as I've been to a few strip clubs.

Later last night they pleaded to be taken to the Convergence Zone (CZ) on the navy base so they could play a few video games.  I agreed, but only because I was super tired from working and didn't have the energy to entertain them.  Still in his boots, and a pair of shorts, looking like a hobo, they picked out a game that would entertain them for 30 seconds or so.  He sat down in the video game chair tipping onto his back with his feet in the air.  A shower of loose change was falling out all over him.  I giggled a little and went back to the book I was reading.  After about an hour it was time to head out.  I helped them pick up their Xbox controllers and spied a nickel he had missed.  Wouldn't want him to be missing that so I slipped it into his money boot.  But how dare me!  I had foolishly put the money in the wrong boot!!  I was educated, by my 6 year old, that the money boot was on the "yeft [left] foot".  Jeez, I'm so dumb.

We returned the game and I could not stop giggling the whole way out of the CZ and all the way home.  So while I'm glad that no matter how tired I am they can still make me snicker, I'm also glad they reminded me how much you want to sanitize your hands after you touch money.  Seriously, you never know whose boot it's been in.


  1. Aw, that's cute because I didn't have to touch the sweaty boot money :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ah but the next time someone gives you a dollar bill as change you know you'll be wondering if it had been riding around in a sweaty rain boot. :)

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