

Friday, November 18, 2011

Simply about Survival

So here I sit at my first craft fair of the holiday season.  Business is a little slow, but it’s giving me a chance to fully analyze the brick wall across from me, and to remember that I have to bring some busy work to do tomorrow when it gets stagnant.  So as I sit here, I’m thinking back on my week of preparing for the show and I honestly can’t believe I made it here, with my goods to sell, and a voice (since I thought for sure I was going to lose it from the constant scolding).  How is it that when you are at your busiest moment, little boys seem to know you can’t be on top of them, and take full advantage?  Is it a sixth sense they possess?  Can they smell the sweat on my brow from a moment of preoccupied work?  Whatever it is in their being that alerts them, I want it removed.  I honestly thought I was going to lose my mind, when one bad day turned into two and three.

The first day started off with a phone call from my husband regarding unfortunate news about his mawmaw.  I was knee deep in products I needed to make, but now I was extra stressed because I wanted to hug my husband, but couldn’t (he was away on a military trip) and I had to figure out how to get him from his location to Texas for the services.  The boys sensed something was up, or actually they sensed that I was on the phone and proceeded to tear their rooms apart.  They emptied their entire dressers all over the floor.  As if that mess wasn’t bad enough, they started throwing the clothes into each other’s rooms and down the stairs (so it not only had to be put away, but sorted too).  Mind you this was Tuesday, and it is now Friday and I still have not found a spare moment to reorganize all of those garments.  When the clothes are a mess it makes it hard to get dressed, so I spent the next hour trying to convince my 3-year-old that he needed to find something to wear so we could get out the door to get to a meeting regarding Daddy’s emergency leave and plane ticket.  We made it to the meeting, fully dressed (I still don’t know how) – where both boys proceeded to play in the office like it was a jungle gym and at one moment I found them licking the desk!!  I seriously thought my eye was going to pop out of my head it was twitching so badly.

Day 2 was a little better to start as I had my 5-year-old off to kindergarten and my 3-year-old being babysat while I had a tooth filling replaced (believe it or not this was the most relaxing part of my whole week).  The afternoon proved to be horrific as soon as school let out.  The 5-year-old was properly wound up from being over-stimulated all day and would not stop making his brother cry.  I was supposed to be listening to a live lecture for my class, but I think I could only hear about 50% of it.
Day 3 was when I finally started to think that I was losing my grasp of control on the household.  The boys had decided to brush their teeth after breakfast.  I came around the corner and found toothpaste smeared across the floor and apparently my 3-year-old thought it would make really good hair gel too.  He certainly was right, that hair didn’t move one bit once the paste got into it.  My frustration with their mess sent them both to their rooms.  A bit later I heard running between the upstairs bathroom and their bedrooms.  I ventured upstairs to find them saturating wash cloths in the sink and then running them into the 3-year-old’s room where they would squeeze them out into one of their empty dresser tubs (empty because their clothes are still all over the floor).  I still can’t figure out what they were setting up to do, and I honestly don’t want to know.  The scolding began.  They were sent back to their respective rooms and told not to come out.  Moments later my 5-year-old appeared downstairs wearing my winter boots (which he had to go into my closet to get)!!  AND SMILING!!  I could have thrown fire balls out of my eyes, I was so pissed.  I got down at his level and said “what is it going to take for you to start listening and acting like a kindergartener at home??”  That little smart ass actually started to answer!  AHHH! Sent back to his room.  Mind you, the whole time this is going on, I’m trying to pour and label candles and body products for the show because we had to be ready to drive 45 minutes to set up that night.  I spoke to my husband.  I was losing it.  I didn’t know what to do.  As I figured, neither did he.  After talking to our 5-year-old, he [my husband] informed me that he [my 5-year-old] should behave because “I told him if he doesn’t then he’ll be in trouble when I get home.”  Bahahahaha - silly Daddy, that threat was about as effective as wet toilet paper.  Somehow I managed to finish up and load everything in the car for the trip to the show site.  My 3-year-old still had his “hair gel” in and had layered on some facial dirt so it now looked like he also had a goatee.  And they both slept like little angels the whole way – probably tired out from their devil-ish activities.
And what have I decided?  Well, sometimes you just have to sit back and realize that there are going to be days… maybe even a few in a row… that are simply about survival.  When all I need to do is make it from sunrise to sunset, with a few meals in between, and be happy that we didn’t have any trips to the Emergency Room. 

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